Saturday, July 13, 2013

Buzzards, tin cans and putting your car in reverse

When I was younger, my father would take my brother and me into the forest with our guns (we were old enough to have been taught gun safety) to target practice.  It was called plinking.  We would spend Sunday afternoons just plinking.

Our targets were as elusive as tin cans and coke bottles.  We would also lie on our backs and shoot at buzzards as they circled high, high above us, looking for their next tasty meal.

The tin cans and cokes we often hit ... we never hit a buzzard.

But  it didn't matter.  We were with our father and having a great time.  

After a while, we would pack up and head home.

Completely satisfied.

My father has been deceased over 20 years.  Yet the memory of time spent with him is still satisfying, like a cool, refreshing breeze settling over my spirit.

Our heavenly father cannot be seen, touched or perceived by any of our 5 senses.  Yet he is as real as my earthly father ever was.

The cool breeze inwardly that I feel when I think of my dad and those times with him have to be available to us with our heavenly father. The only difference as I see it is that there are no memories involved, it is a continuing present-day reality.  

Persistent, viable and actual.

The outward world is often chaotic, rife with literal and figurative tornados, tsunamis and earthquakes.  

Yet our inner world can be one of a protected harbor, a placid pond, a place of cool breezes.  

Step back today from the rim of your personal volcano ... put your emotional car into reverse for just a moment today and back away from the grinding traffic jam that might be bottling your life ... close your eyes and spend time with your heavenly father.

The times of refreshing will surely be summoned to your spirit.

At least that's how I see it on this Saturday morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember those days well! We were very fortunate to have such a loving father. And even more fortunate to have a heavenly Father who loves us so much more!

Charles - the brother