Thursday, September 19, 2013


 The most life-giving people that I am ever around are those who are full of grace.

The most energizing people that I am ever around are those who accept me just like I am. And have given up trying to change me.

Have you ever been around someone who keeps trying to conform you into their own image of how you should be? It is uncomfortable and is much like using a key in a lock where the key is off just a little bit. Great effort might be expended in trying to get the lock unlocked but trust me, the key will break first.

Displaying grace and acceptance to others allows the key to unlock the lock every time.

Carl Rogers, the father of modern American psychology, said that one of the most difficult tasks for people is to accept others like they accept sunsets. When we step outside at night to view a sunset, we never say turn the pinks up and turn the blues down and then the sunset will be just right. No, we accept the beauty in the sunset just like it is.

Something tells me that when we accept others like we accept sunsets, we are displaying the grace of Christ to them. And grace is always, always, always transformational.

I am not good at this… As a matter of fact, I am pretty poor at it. But this is how I want to be.

Homework: the next person that you meet, accept them exactly like you accept the sunset. Just the way they are. And let God do the work.

Anything else is exhausting and really doesn't produce much at all.

Hey, follow me on my brand-new Twitter account with the username Blankenthoughts. Yep, I knew you would like that name. And invite others to follow also.

To the sunset!

1 comment:

MBSIMPLY said...

Wonderful! Great way to conceptualize this. Enjoyed the read.