Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Godliness of Being One's Self - Part 2

It is godly to simply be who you are.

Carl Rogers, father of American psychology,  was once asked, 'what is the meaning of life?'

He gave one of the most profound answers I have ever heard.  Keep in mind that he is not answering in a God context.

He said, 'To be that self which one truly is.'

There is a joy in just being who you are.  There is a divine joy, if I may be so bold.  There is a heady pleasure that emanates from deep within one's spirit when one is simply one's self.

If I were the devil and God had loaded a person up with certain gifts, I surely would not want them to use them ... rather, I would dilute them by any number of methods, the chief one of which would be making them feel uncomfortable with their native abilities ... I would want the musician to become an accountant ... I would want the humorous to become 'godly somber' ... I would want the teacher to long to be a banjo-player.

I would want Beethoven to put all his effort into being the best baker he could possibly be.

Wrap God's glory tightly around you as you become confortable with yourself and your native abilities, personality, approach to life, and giftedness.  Do not long to become someone else.

You are never more strong than when you are fully yourself.

Being yourself is a strong way to reflect God's glory.  Being someone else reflects ... hmm ... what does it reflect?  Well, it doesn't reflect God's glory, that's for sure.  I suppose it reflects some strange sort of inner tangle of fears and insecurities that we carry around.

It is SOOOO godly to simply be who you are. 

Live in that reality today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often wonder if am currently living in the role God planned for me or the role that I planned for myself. Is God waiting for me to get back on course? Am I resisting his Grace?

I know for sure that I am not content in my current role. I feel out of place. I am unsettled.

I ask everyone out there to pray for me hear and follow God's plan.

... His Will be done on earth ...