Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Godliness of Being One's Self - Part 4

It was the smallest of interactions.

The young man sitting in front of me was applying for a position in my department a few years ago.  He was clearly over-qualified.

I had to stop the interview and ask him bluntly, "If you weren't afraid of anything ... if fear was not your obstacle ... what would you do with your life?"

He took a deep breath and gave me an answer that was a wonderful vision for his life.  And I knew it was well within his ability to make it happen.

When he finished, I said, "Go... do that!"

I could almost viscerally discern the strength and resolve pouring into him.

He stood up and said, "I will!",  pumping my hand enthusiastically.

I later received an email from him telling how he indeed moved into this line of work and how satisfying it was.

I felt I had made a difference in his life because I had reacted candidly and authentically to him.

I felt Christ had touched him.

Through me.

I had not quoted scripture (although there's nothing wrong with that).  I had not given him a pamphlet or website address that listed church meeting times.

I was just being myself.  But ... wait for it ... the magic was that Christ lives in me.

So whoever I touch, Christ has the opportunity to touch.

Can you see how powerful this is?

As I move through life, navigating through the myriad of interactions I have each day, whether it be work or personal, I represent a potential Christ touchpoint for every single human being I encounter.

Just by being myself.

You see, God is so brilliant that he has embedded the Holy Spirit within us.  His manifestation comes out through our personality, our intelligence, our empathy, our passions, our humor and so on.


As we are being ourselves.

The weakest leaders, followers, co-workers, neighbors, friends, etc are those who feel they need to pretend to be one way when they are really another way entirely.

In the kingdom of God, I believe that as you relax into your native abilities, approaches and interests, you grow exponentially stronger in Him.

Not taught much but I think it is a key and vital truth of the kingdom of God.

"So, Terry, are you saying that everyone you encounter through the day is touched by Christ by virtue of encountering you?"

Depending on how congruently I am chugging along at any point in a day, I would say yes.

Oh, I have massive chunks of the day when I am frustrated, etc that folks might not see Christ in me.  But even then, there is something about encountering an authentic person filled with Christ, even under the strain of frustration, that is redemptive.

If you are not comfortable in your own skin, somehow all this gets blocked.

Being comfortable with who God has made you at a DNA level is a life-long journey.  However, so is maturity in Christ.  And these two paths are often one.

Today ... I implore you ... be yourself!

You may find your maturity in Christ accelerating.


Anonymous said...

Courage ... Cooperation ... Christ.

Thanks for making the Gospel message so simple.

God Bless.

Jerry said...


Mike Padgett said...

Great thought Terry!! Thanks for sharing on FB. Mike Padgett